“Multilevel Marketing is a common principle in business and a powerful marketing strategy. India is one of the biggest business markets and accepts the significant changes in all business forms”.
Multilevel Marketing is a common principle in business and a powerful marketing strategy. India is one of the biggest business markets and accepts the significant changes in all business forms. The developing Indian market gain attention from many foreign nations and they trying to sell their products directly to the Indian market. Though, promoting a business, consumer plays a vital role. While, they gets favour from the consumers it can reach it peak with less efforts. It is a business company selling its goods or products through consumer. Multi level marketing is a combination of both product and consumer. However, it also calling in the names of Pyramid selling, referral marketing and network marketing.
Multilevel marketing- stage of Emergence :
Consumers can be the direct sellers they can work from their homes, office by just explaining and demonstrate the product. This business approach is one of the best sources to increase the Indian market revenue. India is one of the fore front countries reaching the best ranks in this particular business approach. At the same time the consumer can built a network of colleagues whom the product get holding of. It is a commission based assignment on the business product. It has a high impact in the growth of social economy. Through this approach both urban and rural areas treating with equality and the people offered with self-employment opportunities. Kerala is the first Indian state allows this new method of business process and reaching its peak by the moderate time period.
Multi-level Marketing frame:
Multilevel marketing acts as an outlet to promote the business service or its brand product. It violates the formal distribution of products from the retailers and others. It easily reaches the customers in a direct way without any traditional distribution levels. After all, it starts the beginning in the hand of consumer as well as end in the usage of consumers.
Distribution ship:
Consumer who can be turning as a distributor and sell the products directly to the other customers. For his work he earns the income from his trade of the product.
Network Marketer:
A distributor can turn to be a network marketer by doing services or selling the products as the same way. But additionally, he can appoint the other distributors and guide them to sell products or service in the way of making their own business. The outstanding of the business based on the effort of whole faculty. A person can be:
A consumer, who only uses the products and services from the Direct Selling Company.
Distributor, who is a product consumer, but also sells the products and services directly to people and he earns retail commission for such works.
Network Marketer:
This Network marketer, who is also a distributor and must sell products and services directly to consumers. But also he could recruits and trains other distributors to sell the products/services and build their own businesses. As much of hard work and effort in the business help them to gain fair amount of income as their profit.
Multi Level Marketing fundamental process and need:
- It also accommodates with other requires licenses and authentications.
- The payments must be directly fixed by the product sale.
- In Direct selling business process coming up employ could improve their sales system.
- A company must allow repurchase for unsolved inventory and allow the customers to return their product etc.
Multi-level Marketing business promotion:
To make a path for successful business the use of technology is one of the major and inevitable tools in the fast growing business market. The traditional way of collecting data and secure it with up to date is a huge process and definitely a hard task to maintain at all. It is a right time to use the software technology MLM is just an unimportant home-made business opportunity meant only for misfortune. More over,it is a non organised form of business and often stamping with the illegal pyramid marketing.
This mode may not contain the quality product and services. It lacks to concentrate on the superior quality it just seems to add members as the huge quantity base. Many quality workers never enjoy the rewards and financial advantages from such MLM Company.
Multilevel marketing and its flaws:
Not everyone bloom as they expecting in the Multilevel Marketing. Many huge companies also lost their popularity in the business approach of multilevel Companies. These are the common misconception fencing on the Network marketing. To all their point of views and further queries simply get a single answer that the common mistakes on the Multi level marketing may be the down fall of their business approach. Then how to overcome such issues?
Appointing more number of people who lack interest in this business and forceful joining of friends and relatives may be a great drawback. This may lead to spending your money in a worthless way. Appoint the limiting number of people and adequate to your business. Just money making is not only the main aim of your business. The hurry of money making is a pitfall of the MLM business. People who involving in the network marketing should love their products and have high level of involvement in their services.
Business approach in Multi-level marketing:
Many successful marketers achieved through their product and their deep involvement and enthusiastic way of working in their business approach. Don’t expect all the people need to buy your product if you target the right people who need your product. It will certainly save your time and get a fine reputation on the product and service.
Proper business follow ups is one of the best reason to attain the high trade in trade. The regular follow ups lead the path to know the products or service’s merit and demerits. Through this one can easily sort out the issues on the product and gain the positive feedbacks from the direct consumer. This is certainly a good one for fast moving business attitude. Before entering to be a part of MLM make sure it is a legal entity whether it is a local or foreign company is a crucial thing.
How to find fraud and Illegal MLM in India?
It is a useful and attractive method of business approach followed by multilevel marketing. So, there is no doubt or amusement in daily launch of new multi-level marketing scheme in India. Somebody start their business in an honest way and made their foot marks in the business history. While, some are merely MLM frauds are trying to rob the money from innocent people. It is surely a tough task to find which multi-level marketing or networking is original and genuine. Here are some basic ideas to find and know the legal and illegal networks in India.
- The fundamental feature of MLM approach never assures the high rate of return in a sudden start of business. If it lacks the promise of quality and goodness and service on the product it is easy to find that the business start for money making purpose and it will surely lack it familiarity and good name. It never returns handsome amounts which assured as first by its poor performance in the market.
- In illegal multilevel and network marketing commissions are paying to attract agents and motivating them via gathering other agents in more making is openly a illegal motive of a fraudulent company.
- A legal network marketing the employ, Network marketer and other distributor are increasing on the volume of sale certainly it is a huge process it may occur only a sudden on the fake markets.
Common issues in MLM:
- Illegal marketing scheme plans and expecting the opportunities to grab money. It is surely not prevailing in the genuine Multilevel or Network marketing.
- Of course, legitimate market is always in a sensible conscious. They shrewdly calculate their income, openly publish the statistics of their business and accept the returns and refunds from the people.
- In legal network marketing all are expecting to work hard regardless of their position then only it will be an effective business process. It is very hard to find in the fake companies.
- A company must be approving and registering under the government of India. It must be contain all the qualities which requiring from the Companies Act.
The Terms and liability laid on direct selling:
There is no formulated legal regulation following particularly on direct selling. Some certain rules on direct selling are unclear since from the fifteen years of the long period. Recently the minister of Consumer Affairs organizing the Inter-Ministerial Committee to take control of direct selling companies/ MLM Companies. They are widely getting it is important to protect the consumers. The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry is an association of business organizations in India (FICCI) is a government organization insistently works to resolve the issues of the direct selling and Multilevel Companies.
To promote the entity and a primary place for business some legal document submission need as per the Indian law they are:
Surely, they should have the sales tax, Income tax, VAT, TDS, and any other documents should express their business running.
They must possess a bank account under one nationalizing bank.
Memorandum of Association (MOA) and the Partnership Deed which must be mentioned with their nature of the business.
Sales incentives must be calculated and it should be paying on the agreed period.
If they have any official websites, they should display their Identification number as the authorizing as direct seller.
Applicant must have the Consumer Grievance cell and it should act properly and the issues must rectify within seven days from the compliant making.
In their official website, they may allow certain space for registering such complaints in an easy way.
To gain favour from the government organization FCCI and FMCG they should follow the legal conditions as:
MLM companies or any other direct selling relating companies must be a registered one under Companies Act.
Software usage in Multi-level marketing:
And also, to make use for your well grooming business. To know the work process in the network marketing and produce data usage without bias possible only in the technical software and helps a lot. It can also help to reduce the work time and easy to find the blunder in your particular area of business.
It is helps in the way to track the customer, overall sale of the business and protect the customer account details. Due to some reason it is always the wisest idea to choose and analyse the Software. These are using in the market and more predominantly which will apt to your business is a more crucial thing for a start up business. Now days the Software packages comes with the desiring qualities as all our need almost completing through these various kinds software.Besides, it filling with the highly secured features, best solution for the e-commerce business running, and modern updating on the software are the desiring kind in the using software.
MLM Software in the business Market:
Multilevel marketing or Network business is not like an industry. As well as it is basing on the good built of strategy to gain the spark from the people. It is absolutely a tough task and there must be the use of MLM software resolve the business process and it is a user friendly one for the end user of a customer. Simply, it is a management tool eases your hard work and previews your attention on all section of the business. Due to its promotional way while your business reaches the customer with such simple gateway processes. Through such software helps the customer to know their status of their new user registration, Purchase of their product or service, payouts and other transaction details.
The Advantages of using MLM Software in Business:
- MLM Software is web tangled software easy to manage in any corner of the world with its easy accessibility.
- Mainly used to manage the e-commerce business portal from selling to all inventory management comes in a single usage of software. Particularly online selling well managed by this software.
- They concentrated to design in the form of user friendly. It can be integrated with websites and other web apps.
- It easily adapt to all the portals like mobiles, computers and tabs regardless of its size.
- Beyond, it swiftly manages all the E-wallet and voucher managements payout, reports and customer management at all in one way.
Multilevel Binary Compensation Plan:
Binary compensation plan is an organizational structure following in the Multi-level marketing. Those who are waiting to start a business in network marketing or Multilevel marketing This plan will apt by its popularity, immortal, powerful simplicity characteristics. It is one of the method widely accepts from all around the world and gained positive feedback from the users. In this method every members is allowed to head for only two members. The structure of the method followed as a tree like structure.
This binary plan method plays pivotal role in the service basing companies to know the development of their business growth and the requirements need from their client’s side. In other mode of business it clearly makes the structure which suitable for the well functioning of the business. Similarly, this business form contains two sides the one side considered with power and other side noted for profit. New distributors are expected achieve the profit side improvements. And the service of positive outlook which made a new brand name on the product or service basing business valuing on the right side. This planning helps to values all the members in the organization. Active and hardworking people easily noted and reach their next level of business opportunity.
The benefits of Binary MLM Plan:
- Binary MLM plan comes with less amount of risk and offer high amount of pay outs in a friendly way. It saves more time and work.
- A new business with quality products can quickly enlarge their business expansion.
- As how much the business entity develops as the same level of the financial freedom enjoyed by the employees in this hand to hand organisation.
- The flexibility modifications in the binary plan considered as the major evolution for its fame.
Multilevel Matrix MLM plans:
Matrix MLM or Forced matrix plan is nothing but the growth of the organisation determining thru the down-liners which means the distributor can grow along the limiting members who working under his network. As it name implies this plan lies on the both height of width of the organisation. This method analyse the incomes and the expense of the down line workers. It also efficient method for both big and small size of product based business or other organisations. The most widely following matrix MLM plans are 2×2, 4 x 7, 5 x 7, 3 x 9 and 2×12. The formal method of arranging can easily note the value the forefront members in this method. Despite of the level exceeds from the default members then it lies and taken as a next level of members in the matrix plan method.
Advantages of Matrix MLM Plan:
- It is a ladder matrix form of plan in MLM software this method the front line organisers acts as the leaders to navigate and motivate their subordinates in the best way.
- In this method the down line workers are motivating from the commissions and bonus for their fast form of work.
- Surely, it is a less expensive approach for the company which have the qualifying form of subordinates on it.
- The potential of an individual wisely used and he takes huge volume of responsibility to grow in the business world.
- As a whole organisation development based to work in all corners is the base of the approach and one can get a wide knowledge in all sections.
Multilevel Unilevel Plan :
The unileve MLM plan in multilevel marketing is basing on the commission according to the level of position in the organisation. In this plan how much higher rank you climb in the position such level of income will be expected. Every one paid with the commission rates it is an unlimited width plan. It allows the down line members to add more members without the regarding of the business width. As, underlines the principle that each member earns for each other. Similarly, it is a traditionally accepted concept and the total multlevel marketing dominating and controlling via distributors of the entity. Because the success of the unilevel marketing lies in the hard work of the growing working people and it moves in a infinite way.
Advantages of Unilevel Plan in MLM:
- It is a MLM software always combining with the only one level and it can easily manage in the multilevel business marketing.
- This method does not require any special efforts or skill and other tools to promote the business.
- As the name insist unilevel plan requiring the equal level of potential both in the income and efforts.
- Certainly, it is one of the easy and routine works; it can be easily explaining and learning thru new comers.
- The rewards and compensations is a customizing one as per the growth volume of the company.
Multilevel Board plan:
In board MLM plan, the fixed number associates or faculty members acting as the board or authoritative persons to take decision and frame principles in the multi level business. The members of board chose limiting members and under their guidance other members work formulate large number of group as per need of the business. Then it splits into Sub heads. It is also known as a revolving matrix business plan due to the cause that it involves the two way process which only revolves around the board members and the consumers. The payments process completed on the weekly process. As per the hard work the workers in the entity get higher position as per the monitoring of the board members.
Advantage of Board plan in MLM:
- Developmental growth of an individual is an acceptable formula following in this board plan MLM software.
- The overflow of members may again classify into the new separate group and they also appointing certain subordinate heads.
- Professional experience of an individual becomes a board member from the basic down line network.
- It is similar like a matrix plan but engaging with the two way split up if they want to promote their business they can start the inter groups.
- Work of the organisation can be limited by both down liner and board of the organisation.
Multilevel Generation plan:
A generation Plan in Multilevel marketing is nothing a whole volume of people contains all the level from upper line to down line without the consideration of their positions and ranks. It fully concentrates on the product selling oriented e- commerce field better than other mode of business. They concentrate on put their efforts only on direct selling to the customers rather than any other advertising factors. If the entity accommodate with the sixteen levels of working they simply classified with four generations to formulate the structure.
In the four level, the first level of the people get high amount of commission. As 10% and the second level of people get 6% and third level of people get 4% and the down line of the generation get 2% as their commission. Whether, the business requiring any sort of advertising promotion the cost of the add promotion sharing by the upper line ranks from down line workers. As well as the profit of the advertisement also sharing by their whole entity.

Advantage of Generation Plan:
- This generation MLM software targets the products sale and money making target without the age and growth of the Multilevel company.
- It concentrates more on the product or service of the entity with the minimal profit level at the initial growth of the multilevel marketing.
- This plan saves lot money wasting from the unwanted things. And offers the easy path for the earning potentiality.
Multi level marketing scope in India:
It is one of the countries with lot of business opportunity. The economical growth of our nation gives the preferable chance for the genuine business makers. Direct selling creates the easy reach the quality of the product in the market. Ministries of corporate affairs, Consumer affairs and various government associations help to the individuals to promote their business. If your multilevel marketing reaches the right type of people then the growth of business may reach the billion dollar of profit. With the usage of above mentioning software offers the best opportunity to pick the right one as per the motive and growth of your company.
The following things and criteria must be cross check while before benign your new Multilevel marketing business in Indian market:
Multi-level marketing Strategy following :
Built strong network which contains separate levels is the only way to promote business product in the competitive market. Ensure the start of the certain volume of the product from its manufacturing. After it comes out from the manufacturing then you can start your network or Multilevel marketing process.
Secondary importance must be goes to the technical aspects of your business. It is a new product or service launched in the market. So, continuous monitor of the product directly selling to the consumer hand should take special care.
To know your business process in the multilevel chooses the best MLM Software which workout for your business mode. There can be multiple choice of Software packages comes with plans of binary, matrix, Unilevel, Generation type, and Board plan are the commonly used .
Choose correct choice of plan before choose consult business personalities and well expert software providers.Tthey can suggest even more up to date software packages according to function of your business.
After choosing software checks technical flow and it will suitably promote business as per notion of your buying.
This software must apt for the entire portal where user customers trying to touch your business or ready to buy with your product or service. It can be a mobile phone, Computer, and Tab.Through this software usage you can able to get the necessary information and data to analyse the product or service oriented performance in the market.If the Individual wants to shine with their business they never allow to skip and any other missing of authentication concerned with their network marketing or multilevel marketing.
Choose and construct your special core team to monitor all the authentication need for multi level business. And often get touch with the team and progress and notify the weak part of the business junction.
To be the first in your business level is not an easy one it never reachable one in a single day. To attain such level there are lot of process paid on your business. The initial period must be committed to face trials and errors in the operation of new business. To reach the finest level with correct work flow the main motive of the business should be keenly analyse from the product’s manufacturing to till reach the customers with the process of direct selling.
Whether, it is a local product or a foreign product it must be in the good books of people view is the success line of every top level of business. Try to keep the touch of customer and immediate step to resolve the issues and always concentrate the permanent solution on the common issues raised from the customers. The top business ethics and principles were keenly narrated by the senior qualifiers and expertise faculty from our successful venture by facing by lot of business organisation growth they simply guide the business structure through this narration. Our services prevailed in the cities Coimbatore, Erode, Madurai, Salem and Trichy.
We hope the business model piece will present certain spark and overview on the multilevel marketing business. Every business mingling with certain pros and cons but one who change and alter the cons to the favourable line only gets the best success in life. Congratulations! To start all your golden footsteps in the upcoming business.